Tonight I picked up the new temperature sender I ordered from AutoZone. This is the second one. The first had the wrong connector. The original part apparently has a clip type connector, but mine has a threaded stud connector. We identified a different sender from a 1965 383 motor instead. I will post the part number here.
So I replaced the sender in the hope that my temperature gauge would work again. No such luck. 20 minutes of warmup in the driveway resulted in no needle movement. I guess it's on to the gauge pod for this one. That's a few weeks off yet though.
I buffed the inside of the ashtray door and cleaned up the ashtray a little bit as well. I'll move back to pulling the radio next.
I also checked my tail lights. One was out, or so it seemed. I looked in the trunk to check the bulbs thinking I would just buy 4 new ones. The far right light bulb had simply fallen out of the light housing. I reseated the light and it works perfectly.
Speaking of lights, I need to identify the bulb used in the glove box. The bulb is missing so I'll replace that as soon as figure out what goes there.
I think I've found a replacement cigarette lighter online. I've asked the guys in the 880 Facebook group to take a picture of theirs so I can positively ID it before ordering.
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